Approximately 330 Nationwide members participated in this year’s Sydney Fair, which concluded on Monday.
General manager Glen Pocklington told Jeweller that new digital initiatives held in the Nationwide members area proved particularly popular.
“We’ve tried to help our members in the digital arena by offering insight they can take back to their stores to engage a new subset of customers better, and the feedback we’ve received has been very appreciative,” he said.
"We’ve tried to help our members in the digital arena by offering insight they can take back to their stores to engage a new subset of customers better, and the feedback we’ve received has been very appreciative."
“These sessions covered topics like SEO and advertising through Google and other things of that nature – retail areas that very few people seem to understand. At the end of the day, it’s about getting more people into jewellery stores.”
He added: “We completed around 20 sessions lasting 25 minutes with members in this area, which I think is a good indicator of the demand for this expertise.”
On Sunday evening, Nationwide’s members congregated at the Australian National Maritime Museum for the annual Members and Suppliers Awards dinner.
The Australian Supplier of the Year Award winner was Jewellery Centre, while the NZ Supplier of the Year Award went to PEKA Agencies.
The New Zealand Member of the Year Award winner was Anna and Murray Yeates from Cambridge Jewellers, while the Australian Member of the Year Award winner was Jake and Emily McPherson from Epica Jewellers in Wagga Wagga (NSW).
The coveted Apprentice of the Year Award winner was Natasha Aitchison-Burgess, a first-year apprentice from Fishers Jewellers in New Zealand.
As the Nathan Cameron Perpetual Trophy winner, Aitchison-Burgess was awarded $5,000 in prize money to spend on tools and equipment to further her career. The award was presented by Judy Cameron of Cameron’s Fine Jewellers in Swan Hill.
Nationwide also acknowledged members celebrating 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30-year milestones since joining the buying group.

Natasha Aitchison-Burgess is named the Apprentice of the Year